This is an outdated version published on 2020-11-04. Read the most recent version.

Innovative Mechanisms for Political Participation and Motivations for Affiliation Among Student Leaders in Higher Education


  • Christian T. Montemayor


The study uncovered the political participation and motivations for affiliation of the
student leaders of the Student Organizations at DMMMSU, specifically to (1) determine extent
of political participation according to organization; (2) identify motivations for affiliation; (3)
correlate political participation and motivation for political affiliation between and among
participants and (4) to recommend suggestions to enhance political participation and strengthen
motivations for political affiliation among student leaders. The study used the descriptive-survey
method and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Such method was employed because it involved
description, recording, analysis, and interpretations of existing conditions. In light of the findings
and conclusions of the study, the following recommended innovative mechanism are offered in
the hope that things be done to improve and enhance the situation at hand, “Project
INNOVATIVE MECHANISM: H.E.L.P.” is recommended.


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How to Cite

Christian T. Montemayor. (2020). Innovative Mechanisms for Political Participation and Motivations for Affiliation Among Student Leaders in Higher Education. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(9), 1580 - 1584. Retrieved from