
  • Ketut Suamba
  • Wayan Windia
  • Sumiyati
  • Gede Mekse Kori Arisena


The purpose of this study was to determine the services provided by the Subak system to the
social life of the community/farmers in Bali. The research was carried out in three different
subak locations, namely the subak in the Jembrana district (western Bali), the subak in the
Badung regency (central Bali), and the subak in the Karangasem regency (eastern Bali). Primary
data collection for social services was carried out through interviews using a list of questions.
The population in this study were all member farmers from one of the subak in the Jembrana
Regency, Badung Regency, and Karangasem Regency. Furthermore, the sample was selected
randomly, each subak as many as 30 farmers, so that the total sample amounted to 90 farmers.
The number of samples for each subak as many as 30 people is considered quite effective in the
statistical analysis process. Meanwhile, secondary data will be obtained from agencies related to
the study in this research. Analysis of social services data was carried out using qualitative
descriptive methods. The results showed that the social services of the subak system in Bali had
a very positive role. Subak management in the implementation of religious ceremonies,
distribution of irrigation water, mobilizing resources, arranging cropping patterns, and handling
conflicts, results in positive social interactions and creates harmonious relationships among
subak members. This harmonious relationship occurs at the level between farmers, between
tempek/munduk in one subak, as well as between subak in an irrigation system area. Social
services also occur for members of the subak of different religions. In one subak there are
Hindus and Christians and in one subak there are Hindu and Muslim. In the implementation of
religious ceremonies, members of the subak who are Hindu, the type of ceremony, and the

implementation of the ceremony are carried out following the Hindu religion. Subak members
who are Christian, carry out religious ceremonies in the Christian way that is carried out in the


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How to Cite

Ketut Suamba, Wayan Windia, Sumiyati, & Gede Mekse Kori Arisena. (2020). SUBAK SYSTEM SOCIAL SERVICES IN BALI. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(4), 1339-1349. Retrieved from