Development of Game Based Basketball Basic Technique Learning Model for Students


  • Dhika Bayu Mahardhika, Ramdan Pelana, Iman Sulaiman, Firmansyah Dlis, Dikdik Fauzi Dermawan, Akhmad Dimyati


This research aims to: (1) develop of game based basketball basic technique learning model for students,(2) determine the effectiveness of development game based basketball basic tecniques learning models. This research is a development research that follows the development design proposed by Borg and Gall, which performed three stages: (1) the stage of identification and needs analysis, (2) the stage of development design and draft models of basketball learning basic tecniques for students, and (3) the testing (expert review and testing). Small group trial conducted at the two class that have basketball learning courses and large groups test was conducted at the four class that have basketball learning courses too. The data was collected using documentation, testing, non test, quesionnaire, and observation. The data were analyzed descriptively, qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this research were development game based basketball basic technique learning model for students, that consisted of 30 topics. According to the experts, basketball trainer, and the result of the test, it concluded that the development models basketball learning basic tecniques for students was effective to improve basic tecniques for students.


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How to Cite

Dhika Bayu Mahardhika, Ramdan Pelana, Iman Sulaiman, Firmansyah Dlis, Dikdik Fauzi Dermawan, Akhmad Dimyati. (2021). Development of Game Based Basketball Basic Technique Learning Model for Students. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(4), 3496 - 3501. Retrieved from