Understanding on Diversity and Tolerance in School Environment to Eradicate Violent Behavior Pattern in Indonesian Community (Study in the Environment of Traditional Religious School)


  • Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti


Indonesia is known as a pluralistic country consisting of various ethnicities, languages, beliefs, traditions and religions. Lately there is a phenomenon of violent and intolerance behavior related to religion in the community, especially among the younger generation, which has caught the attention of all parties. The purpose of this paper is to identify programs in traditional Islamic school (Pesantren) in Malang, East Java, and Hindu school (Gurukula) in Bali related to the understanding on diversity and tolerance among school students; the concept of diversity and tolerance from the perspective of Islam and Hinduism, the obstacles experienced by school caregivers in implementing the program as well as tolerance and the form of the learning model. Next, the used methods are interviews using questionnaires and focus group discussions to get a comprehensive description. The results show that both Gurukula and Pesantren do not have such programs so that the application of materials on the understanding on diversity and tolerance has not been maximized. Knowledge and understanding of diversity and tolerance among the students of Pesantren is still less compared to students of Gurukula. The constraints experienced by schools are the absence of media and the support of NGOs that facilitate activities so that the program is not optimal because it does not involve students. Hence, the obstacles and constraints experienced by caregivers are not much exposed. What is needed in the preparation of material module for students is by including cultural and local wisdom approaches.


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How to Cite

Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti. (2021). Understanding on Diversity and Tolerance in School Environment to Eradicate Violent Behavior Pattern in Indonesian Community (Study in the Environment of Traditional Religious School). PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(4), 5901 - 5916. Retrieved from https://www.archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/7194