
  • Sally Hassan Habib, Suhad Jawad Al-Sakani


KWL strategy is considered one of the modern strategies that aims to revitalize the learner's previous knowledge and make it a focal point to link it with the new information that he learns. Therefore, it has been widely applied in the field of education, which motivated the researcher to use it in teaching the history of contemporary art as it works to enhance the role of the learner and activate his cognitive patterns. In light of his acceptance of the educational content of this article, Occupied Philosophies Modern education is at the present time taking center stage in enriching the educational process according to some teaching strategies that transform the learner from a passive recipient to an active and participant individual in light of the self-activity that he exerts upon gaining experience in the educational material; It is stretched Transitions Fast The educational process of contemporary wheel keep pace with the latest development of cultural progress and the T Have responded Return look at Methods and methods of teaching reveal the impact that they can leave on the learner through the process of activating previous experience and making it the starting point. And since education forms in its basis a set of purposeful and renewed human interactions and activities with the changes of life and with the development of the frameworks of science and technology, as it is a process of continuous interaction and response between it and the human being and the environment surrounding him that forms the basis of his existence, so if the education stops, lags behind, or moves away from what is happening Around it from new developments, it will thus lose a vital factor in its survival and development and its effectiveness with the requirements of man and his renewed needs with the wheel of progress that does not stop spinning. Accordingly, the contemporary world is witnessing a number of informatics challenges in the areas of public life and educational sphere of education in particular, as can be seen through the changes and developments Rat in education inputs and outputs because survival on what it is makes it incapable of the educational system to meet these challenges and developments that were produced the information revolution in information technology. “As the traditional teaching methods, which are still common in educational institutions and at all levels, starting from the primary stage and ending with university education, which focus on indoctrination and memorization, were and still represent a challenge that contributes to limiting the development of the mental and cognitive abilities of learners. It restricts their cognitive and performance skills. "(Al-Rubaie, 2003). The study of fine arts subjects that constitute a civilized façade for any society is a measure of the progress and prosperity of this society, and a prerequisite for the development of the cognitive and aesthetic experience of its members. Our society suffers from many of these negative aspects whose effects are evident in the learner in general, and the learner in The field of fine arts in particular, so we are in dire need of making the learners as individuals who focus most of their attention towards acquiring these experiences according to their abilities and knowledge styles. And is a contemporary art one of the most prominent cognitive experiences dealing with the fine arts materials through a study Tt trip War trends in the light of the visual and aesthetic characteristics of the technical configurations of artistic accomplishment and try to understand and reveal the aesthetic, functional and expressive values while enjoying it and taste it , and thus preferences development of knowledge of the learner about The artistic work is to be reflected in his artistic experiences. The adoption of the teacher's subject of the history of contemporary art the usual method (lecture and lecture) in sending the content of the material to learners mainly without using modern methods and strategies can affect the patterns of the learner’s cognitive preferences towards learning this subject. "Presenting the educational material as indicated (Al-Zayat, 2009) using the traditional method does not help to achieve the educational objectives of this subject, in which the teacher becomes a source of information and data, as he fills the student’s mentality of information and does not leave space for intellectual discussion so that it forms a kind of weakness of his conscious abilities and develops memory. Without creation and creativity. ”(Al-Zayat, 2009) . Therefore, the teacher should take advantage of the diversity of teaching methods and strategies that have emerged with the efforts of researchers and scholars in the field of education, which he can use to face the individual differences between the teachers, so that they are allowed to participate in the educational process with positive and continuous activity, each according to his capabilities, patterns of thinking and readiness. He notes. "The use of modern teaching methods, strategies and models that make the learner think coherent and logical mental thinking by testing the teachers of these strategies and models appropriate to the learner's abilities, desires and previous experiences." Interest in how the learner deals with information based on the principle that what the learner prefers is related to his knowledge background of the educational material, enhances the process of his acquisition of educational content in a way that is consistent with his cognitive perceptions and preference methods that appear between four patterns (retrieval, principles, application, etc.) Critic (according to standard) Heath, 19 64In cognitive preference it plays a distinct role within educational situations. 


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How to Cite

Sally Hassan Habib, Suhad Jawad Al-Sakani. (2021). IMPACT OF KWL STRATEGY IN THE COGNITIVE PREFERENCE FOR STUDENTS OF THE INSTITUTE OF FINE ARTS IN CONTEMPORARY ART HISTORY COURSE. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(08), 638-659. Retrieved from