
  • Ashwin Jaikumar Ram
  • Muralidharan.N.P
  • Dr. Anjaneyulu K


Pandemic infection, COVID -19, SARS, Pandemic, Complications, Respiratory infections.


The pandemic disease is a type of disease that spreads through the community spread from one country to another country. Among all the pandemic diseases, one of the most common and recently developed ones is the coronavirus which is caused due to the (SARS-CoV2) which leads to several other respiratory complications such as severe acute respiratory syndrome. COVID-19 is a major disaster that has occurred in the year 2020. Evidence states that this originated in Wuhan, China. In order to protect us from the pandemic, we must follow social distancing, use face masks, and use hand sanitizers. Preventive measures have to be followed to reduce the spread of the pandemic. Quarantine is one among them.The most important thing is to maintain proper personal hygiene. COVID-19 can easily spread when the climatic conditions are very worse too. Individuals from different nations started migrating from one place to another, then from one nation to another nation, where they found the spread of the disease to be less.Considerations have to be given to cardiovascular insurance during treatment for COVID-19.There was an affordable emergency, food shortage and numerous different confusions looked by the individuals because of the pandemic illness.


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How to Cite

Ashwin Jaikumar Ram, Muralidharan.N.P, & Dr. Anjaneyulu K. (2020). PANDEMIC DISEASE - A REVIEW. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(7), 597-607. Retrieved from